Photo Gallery
Meditation group on Thursdays at Longmont United Hospital's chapel.
Lecture on Death and Dying.
Swami's monthly workshops in Evergreen, Colorado.
Swami travels regularly to Steamboat Spring, Colorado, to lecture.
Denver, Colorado, classes at the Prana Yoga & Ayurveda Mandala Training Center.
One of Swami's lectures in Montreal, Canada, where he traveled to receive an award from a North American hospital system.
Swami's group in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Weekend workshop in Astoria, Oregon.
Lecture on Death and Dying.
Swami visiting with a patient in the hospital who had requested time with him.
May Day Meditation, in Boulder, Colorado.
May Day Celebration in Boulder, Colorado.
Time in the mountains.
Swami in mountains..
Swami at a dinner with friends.
Swami's kirtan group.